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Autism, Abuse, Addiction, Cancer, Heart Attack, and Obesity...What do these all have in common? In my Kinesiology practice, I have found a common thread woven through the lives of each individual connecting all mankind to the same root cause...

Malfunctions in our Brain & Body Chemistry! It is my proposal to you that every Ailment, Behavior, Condition, and Diagnosis is correctable!

~Kimberly Gingras HHC

Sunday, October 30, 2011

What is Candida? What should I do about it?

Did you know that 1 in 3 American's have Candida issues in their bodies? It all begins in the gutt, and then travels to all places in the body...yuck!

Candida Albicans are a natural strain of bacteria that lives in our bowels, but when allowed to grow unchecked can cause havoc on our immune system and show up as a myriad of symptoms such as allergies, rashes, pain, stomach upset, inflammation, reactions to smells, headaches, etc. We see it in the form of fungus, infection, epidermal irritations, and thrush; there are oral forms, vaginal forms, blood forms, and intestinal forms.
The best way to treat an overgrowth of Candida is to cleanse with an essential oils blend, clean up the diet, get plenty of sunshine and fresh air, and exercise, and repopulate the lower intestine with good bacteria by using a probiotic. Refrain from consuming anything with sugar, mold or fungus, as Candida Albicans is a yeast and will feed off of these foods.

Initially, as you proceed with the cleanse it will create a "die off" effect and you will feel worse for a small period of time, while the Candida is expelled. Most suggest taking the cleansing blend for two weeks on and then off for one week as you take a probiotic. Then repeat the cycle, as needed, until Candida symptoms are gone. Following this, for long term maintenance, continue with a good diet, exercise, and a monthly cleanse (2 weeks of the cleansing blend and 1 week of probiotics).
Avoid using antibiotics, birth control, and foods that are high in sugar or yeast as much as possible.
Often people complain of feeling badly or experience rash or other "die off" symptoms. It is not unusual to experience die off symptoms as your body purges the Candida. Consider a diet of raw foods during your cleanse, and drink LOTS of lemon water.

 doTerra offers two products that make this much easier. GX Assist, a pre-prepared cleansing essential oil blend of oregano, melaleuca, lemon, lemongrass, peppermint, and thyme in a capsule form. It is recommended to use it monthly by taking 1 to 3 capsule daily for 10 days. Follow this with PB Assist, a probiotic formula to promote healthy digestive function in a time release bead, and should be taken daily for 5 days after the GX Assist 10 day cycle.

As mentioned elsewhere as the candida is expelled various "die off" symptoms may occur. Feeling badly, rashes, changes in bowel routines, etc. Varying from 1 to 3 capsules can modify these symptoms to a comfortable level.

Of course you may prepare your own blend. Dr. Hill recommends a formula of 1 drop oregano, 2 drops melaleuca and 3-5 drops lemon taken in a 00 size capsule. The lemon will eventually melt the capsule so it's good to only make a couple days worth - at a time. One easy method is to pre-mix the appropriate blend in a 2 oz bottle with a dripper lid then drill 00 capsule size holes about 1/4 inch deep into a short block of wood. Open capsules can be placed in the holes of the 2X4 and easily filed with 6-8 drops of the mixture. We have found from our experience this is more expensive (and certainly less convenient) that using the pre-prepared GX Assist.

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