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Autism, Abuse, Addiction, Cancer, Heart Attack, and Obesity...What do these all have in common? In my Kinesiology practice, I have found a common thread woven through the lives of each individual connecting all mankind to the same root cause...

Malfunctions in our Brain & Body Chemistry! It is my proposal to you that every Ailment, Behavior, Condition, and Diagnosis is correctable!

~Kimberly Gingras HHC

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Cancer Protocol with Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils (CPTG)

The following information began with Nicole Stevens, MS. The original research was her dissertation on
Therapeutic-grade essential oils and their response in the body to cancer.
We know that chemotherapy is highly toxic and kills healthy cells along with the cancerous cells. According to the research done by Nicole Stevens, MS, it is not unusual for cancer therapies to kill a large percentage of good cells along with the bad. This is why we see the signs of hair loss, yellow eyes, grayed hair, nausea, fatigue, etc, from patients on chemotherapy. With therapeutic-grade essential oils the cell death count is less than 25 cells. Nicole tested repeatedly and has not yet found a toxicity level, even at extremely high concentrations. Dr. Jaime Matta (Ponce School of Medicine, Ponce, Puerto Rico) found Frankincense to be very effective against even chemotherapy-resistant strains of breast cancer. The National Institute of Health research shows effectiveness against bladder cancer. Google Frankincense cancer , 42 papers published, watch for the publication of this research. There are also other oils which are found to be anti-tumoral; some of them also encourage the re-growth of healthy cells. Among them are Sandalwood, Thyme, Lavender, and Clove. Understanding the costliness of pure Frankincense and Sandalwood oils (both require so much time and care to distill and retain their therapeutic action that they are commonly extracted using solvents or not distilled for the full amount of time), it is exciting to learn that other, less expensive oils may be combined with Frankincense & Sandalwood and actually increase the effectiveness of a cancer treatment. Combined with dōTERRA’s Lifelong Vitality Trio, (these are) powerful tools for healing!

This protocol is beginning to be used on a larger scale, by doctors in private practice and in US
hospitals at this time.
I was taught to combine it with the Spinal Technique, daily if possible, and lots of good water to drink.
One 00 capsule Frankincense, One 00 capsule Sandalwood, One 00 capsule Lavender morning and evening for 3 days.
Frankincense, Sandalwood and Lavender topically morning and evening for those same 3 days.

One 00 capsule Frankincense, One 00 capsule Sandalwood, One 00 capsule Wild Orange morning and evening for 3 days. Frankincense, Sandalwood and Wild Orange topically morning and evening for those same 3 days.

One 00 capsule Frankincense, One 00 capsule Sandalwood, One 00 capsule Lemon… (Repeat process)

One 00 capsule Frankincense, One 00 capsule Sandalwood, One 00 capsule Thyme… (Repeat process)

One 00 capsule Frankincense, One 00 capsule Sandalwood, One 00 capsule Clove… (Repeat process)
The oils may be rotated as often as necessary.


I am not a doctor, but I do work with doctors whom I trust, and this is what they would do for their family.
I have shared this protocol with family members and friends with tremendous success when the need has arisen.
SPINAL THERAPY: Balance, Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress, Peppermint.
(Often this therapy is all that is needed to remove pain, otherwise use formula(s) below)

PAIN FORMULA as needed: White Fir and Frankincense applied topically.

PAIN FORMULA as needed: In a capsule for internal consumption: 12 drops Wintergreen, 8 drops Vetiver, 8 drops Helichrysum
PAIN FORMULA as needed: For nerve-type pain, 1/3 00 capsule Vetiver, 1/3 Peppermint, 1/3 Deep Blue topically and internally.
Some may work better for you than others.
The trick with any treatment is finding what works best for your biochemically unique system.
You will not find concentrations like those in dōTERRA oils anywhere else.” ---Nicole Stevens

where to purchase these CPTG Essential Oils:
(option for purchasing at wholesale or retail)

Kangen Water (Alkaline water) is what I recommend.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These statements are for educational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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