Click on the picture to watch a video about Kimberly & Boosting Brain Activity!

Autism, Abuse, Addiction, Cancer, Heart Attack, and Obesity...What do these all have in common? In my Kinesiology practice, I have found a common thread woven through the lives of each individual connecting all mankind to the same root cause...

Malfunctions in our Brain & Body Chemistry! It is my proposal to you that every Ailment, Behavior, Condition, and Diagnosis is correctable!

~Kimberly Gingras HHC

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mrs. Montana International will be speaking at Kimber Academy Wed., Oct. 12, 2011

"Spirit Day" - at Kimber Academy!
610 So. Millpond Road, Lehi . 801. 616.9711
October 12 at 11:30

"We are excited to welcome and hear from Kimberly Gingras this Wednesday at our next Spirit Day. Sister Gingras will be speaking to the students about our year long theme, Standing Out, Not Fitting In. She will also be sharing stories from her life and experiences with serving as Mrs. Montana International 2011." ~Kimber Academy
Parents and friends are always welcome to attend Spirit Day.

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