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Autism, Abuse, Addiction, Cancer, Heart Attack, and Obesity...What do these all have in common? In my Kinesiology practice, I have found a common thread woven through the lives of each individual connecting all mankind to the same root cause...

Malfunctions in our Brain & Body Chemistry! It is my proposal to you that every Ailment, Behavior, Condition, and Diagnosis is correctable!

~Kimberly Gingras HHC

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Need to Detox? Here’s How You’ll Know...


Don’t get comfortable with not feeling well. Everyday stress is one contributor to poor health. But there’s a bright side. You can feel so much better after you detoxify your body properly. Our no fail, step-by-step system of healing nurtures your personal needs. Go slowly, enjoy lasting results and finally find relief.

Feeling sluggish, anxious or craving sweets in a big way? Maybe it’s time to help your body detoxify. Sure, you’ve heard this term many times, as cleansing and detoxification are becoming increasingly popular. That’s because people like you are taking control of your health and realizing the lasting benefits of making gradual natural improvements to your diet and lifestyle.

Do You Need to Cleanse?

Your body cleanses on a daily basis. It’s Nature’s gift to you that keeps illness away, gives you energy and allows you to think clearly. But, too many people are getting used to feeling “not so well.” Too many people live with the painful effects of a toxic system, and remain unbalanced in their thinking, emotions and physical health. You certainly don’t have to be one of them.

Signs that it’s Time to Detoxify

Cravings: It seems like everyone has cravings these days. There are emotional triggers to this, but physically cravings can come from an abundance of highly processed and concentrated foods that artificially stimulate dopamine (the pleasure neurotransmitter), which plays a role in addiction. So, you will “feel good” and naturally want more of the food that is making you feel good. 1 Adding in fermented foods can help teach your body to crave what makes you really feel well. Cravings really do disappear once you detoxify.
Food Allergies: Food allergies are often a sign that you don’t have the proper beneficial microflora to absorb and assimilate the nutrients from your food. This occurs when toxins like candida yeast proliferate and cause a leaky gut. Over time, you can recover from many food allergies or sensitivities by detoxifying your body and restoring that microflora with a balanced probiotic-rich diet, like Body Ecology.

Heart Disease: The accumulation of toxins in the body allows for increased risk of heart disease. A diet lacking in living and fermented foods can lead to mal absorption of nutrients. As a result, a domino affect of nutritional deficiencies, high cholesterol, heart attack, or even stroke can occur. Purifying the body of harmful substances is one significant way of lowering the risk of heart disease.

Adrenal Fatigue: If you are exhausted, having trouble losing weight, finding it hard to focus, or even experiencing problems in the bedroom, adrenal fatigue could be the culprit. The adrenal glands interact closely with the thyroid, liver, digestive system, brain function, and reproductive systems. When the liver and other vital cleansing organs are hindered from performing their tasks due to toxins, adrenal fatigue often results.

Mental/Emotional Instability: The hazards of allowing dangerous chemicals into the body are not limited to the physical being. Mental and emotional disorders can be caused by a toxic system, and, much like food allergies, may be corrected.

Depression, anxiety, and even some eating disorders have been linked to an abundance of certain toxic substances. A build-up of harmful chemicals can block the absorption and release of beneficial chemicals, leading to an imbalance that can have negative physical, psychological, and emotional effects.

Could parasites be part of your toxicity problem? Do you have any of these symptoms?

Yeast infections, painful urination and enlarged prostate
Diarrhea and foul smelling stools
Nausea, vomiting, bloating, cramps, peptic-ulcers and gas
Chronic fatigue, low energy or hyperactivity
Weight loss
Flu symptoms, fever and aches
Sleep disturbances
Gall bladder problems
Vision problems

Restoring energy in your body and balance within your digestive tract with a Body Ecology lifestyle makes for your best defense against harmful “bugs” like parasites. But, if parasites are already bugging you, EcoClear is a unique full-spectrum blend of the best herbs that kill parasites AND their eggs naturally.

Detoxification is Simple if You Take it Step By Step

If you find your symptoms among these listed, fear not! Detoxification can be simple and you can begin today by making small changes to your diet. Check out the Body Ecology 7 Principles. These ancient principles for wellness are your best map to your healthiest self. Try beginning by adding some delicious, fermented foods to your daily routine, or incorporating healthy green smoothies, or simply by switching to cleaner eating and practicing proper food combining. All of these are steps that will help you detoxify. The Principle of Step by Step is a reminder that you needn’t focus on speed, just get yourself n the right path and keep moving forward.

To learn more about how to fully detoxify your body, listen to and keep our detoxification training as your guide.

[1] Goldhammer, Alan, D.C., Dietary Addictions: Why eating healthfully is so difficult. National Health Association.

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