Click on the picture to watch a video about Kimberly & Boosting Brain Activity!

Autism, Abuse, Addiction, Cancer, Heart Attack, and Obesity...What do these all have in common? In my Kinesiology practice, I have found a common thread woven through the lives of each individual connecting all mankind to the same root cause...

Malfunctions in our Brain & Body Chemistry! It is my proposal to you that every Ailment, Behavior, Condition, and Diagnosis is correctable!

~Kimberly Gingras HHC

Monday, May 31, 2010

Finally... A Successful Solution to Autism

Natural Strategies and Secrets
to Help Prevent and Overcome:

Aspergers Syndrome
Many Other Epidemic
Childhood Disorders

A MUST for parents, health practitioners ... AND for any woman who ever intends to have a baby!

Our kids are in deep trouble...

You don't need to be the parent of a child with a disorder like autism or attention deficit disorder to realize theres an epidemic going on.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tells us that 1 in 150 children now face a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. In fact, autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the U.S.

The CDC also divulges that about 1.6 million elementary school-aged children have been diagnosed with ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder).

And these diseases are only two of the childhood disorders crushing our kids today.

Donna Gates knows this. She considers autism to be the worlds wake up call.

As a nutritional consultant, author and popular lecturer, Donna has helped thousands of people overcome candidiasis and other immune system disorders by looking first to the health of their digestive tract -- and what she calls your inner ecosystem, the complex network of microflora that must inhabit your intestines in order for you to thrive.

Donna wrote her book The Body Ecology Diet (now in its 9th edition) after years of research to find a cure for her own candida-related health problems. Frustrated with conventional medicine, she embarked on a long course of study into many different healing concepts, including ancient Chinese medicine, macrobiotics, raw foods, and supplement therapy, just to name a few.

Incorporating the most beneficial components of each concept into her own system of health and healing, her success inspired her to share the Body Ecology Diet (BED) with others.

A month into the Body Ecology Diet (also known as the BED), Ryan was flourishing. What we were witnessing was incredible! This was definitely the missing link for Ryan! I like to call this "The Frosting on Ryan's Cake." Ryan's language thoroughly exploded! Prior to the BED, Ryan still had problems with enunciating the first letter of words. Mommy was ommy, Daddy was addy etc. His vocabulary was very limited and sounds such as grunting were frequently heard. NOT ANY MORE! Ryan was talking up a storm. He was actually putting sentences together! He started to sing songs and understand stories on Barney and Sesame Street. Ryan became more organized with play and started to use imagination play which was something he never did. He gave up his fixation for wheels, no more stimming, and he no longer is oblivious to his surroundings.

Ryan now gets excited about all sorts of events, constantly asks inquisitive questions, and is active and involved in everyday functions. It's like Ryan is doing double time just catching up on everything that he couldn't do while he was locked away in his body of autism. What a wonderful feeling! He has even been called the Mayor of his class...because he is very sociable. He mingles with everyone, smiles all the time and has a wonderful gentle-hearted way about himself. His Pediatric Neurologist and Developmental Doctor were so pleased and absolutely amazed. They never thought they would see this type of reversal pattern in Ryan. They really never thought it could be done! What a blessing for a little boy who just 2 ½ years earlier received such a grave and devastating diagnosis. May God bless you as He has done to us.
--Deanna (Ryan's grandmother)

Going to the Body Ecology Diet retreat was the turning point in Colin's life. In the two years prior to the retreat he had gained only one pound! In the seven months since the retreat Colin has gained 9 pounds, and is now at the 50th percentile and gaining on the growth charts! Because of this diet Colin is a very happy and energetic child, who enjoys gymnastics, karate, sledding and long nature walks. Although there have been a few bumps in the road with respect to his bowels, his symptoms predating the Body Ecology Diet have never returned!

--Colleen Murphy

Now, she has turned her attention to the children of our generation, particularly those with diseases such as autism and autism spectrum disorders. And to their parents, desperate for a solution.

And yes, there is hope. You do not need to consider autism as an incurable illness, despite what mainstream medicine might say. Donna has seen marked progress, and even reversal, in many autistic children she has worked with.

But thats not the whole story.

If you (or anyone you care about) plans to have a baby in the future, Donna has a message for you, too: you can prevent autism by focusing on a few key principles regarding your own health before giving birth.

She offers answers to the questions that are on the lips of most parents, parents-to-be, and concerned people today --probably even on yours...

Whats Really Happening to Our Children? And What Can You Do to Fight Back?

Not long ago, at a retreat center in southern Florida, a diverse group of concerned parents and professionals converged with a special goal: to understand why our children are falling victim to a multitude of illnesses--particularly autism--in such an epidemic fashion.

However, understanding the 'why' wasnt enough...

Over the course of this 3-day BEDROK Intensive Seminar, three leading health and nutrition experts (including Donna) focused on the 'how' you can help and most importantly, the 'what' --the exact steps you can take to prevent and treat childhood diseases such as autism.

Now, if you're not familiar with the BEDROK Program, it stands for Body Ecology Diet Recovering Our Kids.

Donna Gates, along with a group of parents of autistic children (now over 800 families strong), has researched and tested her popular and proven Body Ecology Diet in relation to the autistic community -- with astonishing results. The first group of autistic children ALL showed improvement. Parents watched as behaviors and symptoms disappeared one by one.

And over the course of working with thousands of people (and their children), Donna found that autism isnt the only childhood problem helped by the Body Ecology Diet. She's seen natural strategies work, even when conventional medical treatment doesnt. With conditions affecting the neurological system. With ADD/ADHD and many more.

The energy and power for change emanating from the speakers and participants at this seminar was so inspiring and life-affirming, Donna made sure to have it recorded.

The content was so all-encompassing, it filled a full 12 CDs.

The Natural Autism Solution: Dietary Secrets to Help Prevent and Overcome Autism, ADHD, Asperger's and other Epidemic Childhood Disorders

This 12 CD Set from the Body EcologyTM Education Series presents parents, future parents, practitioners and everyone involved in the love and care of children with essential and proven insights and solutions for:

Autism, Asperger's Syndrome or other autism spectrum disorder
Numerous neurological disorders
Other mental disorders, including schizophrenia
Even seemingly unrelated conditions such as asthma, food intolerance and epilepsy

Plus, you wont just listen to Donna speak. You'll also learn from two of the world's other leading health and nutrition experts: Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride and Dr. Leonard Smith.

Three Leading Health and Nutrition Experts Spill Their Premiere Strategies for Dealing with Our Epidemic of Sick Children
Donna Gates
Author of The Body Ecology Diet, Nutritional Expert and Lecturer

Listen as Donna shares with you her most powerful insights on childhood disorders, including autism and many others. You'll hear:

Why autism does not have a single cause...
How you have a second scientifically-recognized nervous system in your digestive tract (the power center of your childs body) -- And it desperately needs your attention...
The 7 crucial principles of the Body Ecology Diet applied to conditions such as autism...
The secret to ending your kids' cravings for sweets -- once and for all...
The little-known connection between autism and infection (In both the brain and the gut)...
How to put a stop to critical deficiencies of minerals and B vitamins (Particularly essential for recovery in autistic children)...
Why every generation of children is becoming genetically weaker...
When autism really starts (Hint: it isn't when your child gets that MMR vaccination)...

Discover new hope for treatment and prevention of autism and other childhood diseases by restoring your child's natural digestive and immune functions.

The mother and fathers secret contribution to the origins of autism...
The #1 reason for pre-term labor (And how to correct it before it happens)...
Why you can quit feeling guilty for wanting sweet foods...
The astonishing seed power that children possess. Harness it while your children are still young, and their healing powers may amaze you...
The truth about antibiotics and autism...
The little-discussed link between autism and blood type (Hint: most autistic children have blood type A). Plus, what you should and shouldnt feed your child based on blood type...
The dangers of soy formula
The 4 grain-like seeds that are important for fiber and building up the microflora in your childs gut (And how to make them digestible)...
Easy first steps to take when applying the BEDROK program to your special child...
Does your child have problems sleeping? Here are some simple ways to address this critical issue...
"Autistic children are catalysts. They are showing us that we must make radical changes in the way we care for both our physical bodies and for our planet. The world will be a better place when we understand the message they bring."

-- Donna Gates

The miracle of raw apple cider vinegar...
Protocols to destroy pathogenic fungus and viruses inhabiting your childs inner ecosystem...
The importance of healthy cleansing (Plus, how it can mimic illness in your child -- and how to tell the difference)...
When antibiotics are truly valuable...
The 4 "C's" that will allow you to take the first steps toward healing your child...
Why even infants need hormone balancing...
What to do before you have a baby (If you want to bring calm, centered, bright children into the world)...
Crucial concepts of food combining...
Why most yogurt is essentially "dead"...
The best way to establish your babys healthy immune system...

A Doctor... and Mother of a Child
Diagnosed with Autism

Your second presenter is Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. In her clinic in Cambridge in the U.K., she specializes in nutrition for children and adults with behavioral and learning disabilities, and adults with digestive and immune system disorders.

Her own son was diagnosed with autism at the age of three, which prompted her to begin an intensive study into the causes and treatments of autism. Of course, as the mother of a child diagnosed with such disabilities, she was acutely aware of the difficulties facing other parents like her. So, she has devoted much of her time to helping these families.

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
In addition to her Degree in Medicine, Dr. Campbell-McBride holds Postgraduate Degrees in both Neurology and Human Nutrition. Additionally, she practiced for five years as a neurologist and 3 years as a neurosurgeon.

According to Dr. Campbell-McBride, if you are the parent of an autistic child, do not be swayed by the common doctor refrain "Theres nothing that can be done". In fact, her son recovered by the age of 12 and is leading a normal life!

Dr. Campbell Mc-Bride is firmly convinced that autism and many conditions affecting children are primarily digestive disorders. She will share with you many insights from her book Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Depression and Schizophrenia.

The treatment of what she calls GAP Syndrome (or GAPS) uses a sound nutritional protocol that is completely natural -- and can be implemented at home, with minimal expense.

Here are just a few gems you will discover listening to Dr. Campbell Mc-Brides riveting presentations:

Why the autism epidemic cant be explained solely by genetics or better modern diagnostic techniques...
7 signs that could mean your child suffers from GAP Syndrome...
What NEVER to feed your autistic child (Plus, what to make sure they do eat)...
Why long-term use of nutritional supplements is NOT recommended for your child...
Why every child with autism, ADHD or many other diseases (including schizophrenia) has a malfunctioning immune system...
Why vaccinations don't cause autism...
What colic really means (Hint: your baby isnt crying and screaming just because of a little gas)...
Is your child unusually clumsy? The serious condition this could indicate...
What to do if your child suffers from diarrhea or constipation...
Finicky eater? Your child isn't just spoiled. See how to stop making feeding time a nightmare...
"Clinical signs of gut dysbiosis (abnormal gut flora) are present in almost 100% of mothers of children with autism and other neurological and psychiatric conditions."

-- Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

How mothers may be passing on more than genes to their children (Hint: factors like urinary tract and yeast infections, contraceptive use and many others contribute to a unique gut micro-flora)...
Asthma is caused by a lung problem, right? Wrong! Dr. Campbell-McBride will explain the gut connection to this disease that now affects 1 in 8 British children...
How to take care of the "housekeepers" of your gut (Plus, why you want to treat them more like prized guests than hired help...
The real reason why 91 cents of every dollar you spend on nutritional supplements goes down the toilet bowl...
The only thing that can help your child's damaged and leaky gut wall (Vital for all cases of autism and many other conditions, too)...
Why all those with autism, bipolar, rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia are deficient in sulfur (And why using a supplement doesnt work)...
The single best time to populate your child's gut with good microflora...
How your child could be suffering the chemical equivalent of a hangover...
The fatal flaws in the most popular autism diets...
What bedwetting, food allergies, eczema, asthma, thrush and many other conditions have in common...
The "overspill syndrome"-- autistic children with hard-to-move bowels (And what to do about it)...
Two bacterial pathogens found in high amounts in the stool of autistic children...
How autistic children share many common neurological symptoms with M.S. patients...
Why the parents of children with autism or other disorders need to look at their own potential for GAP Syndrome ...
Little-known secrets that can help restore your childs digestive tract flora...
The true cause of 99% of epilepsy in children...
The handful of healthy oils your child should be eating...
The single reason you should consider putting off redecorating or repairing your home...

This Highly Respected Physician, A Specialist in Mainstream and Holistic Medicine, Provides You the Best of Both Worlds

Leonard Smith, M.D.
Specialist in gastrointestinal health, complementary medicine, and nutrition

Leonard Smith, M.D. is a renowned general, gastrointestinal and vascular surgeon as well as an expert in the use of nutrition and natural supplementation.

As a surgeon, Dr. Smith has first-hand experience of the problems associated with faulty digestion and the surgical necessities they can cause. Dr. Smith views his role as a doctor to include teaching, and his career as a surgeon in private practice has always incorporated teaching the laws of healthy digestion, so his patients may avoid surgery.

While treading the delicate balance between mainstream and holistic medicine, Dr. Smith will tell you that "because the causes and factors involved in autism are so varied, an entire medical school curriculum could be based on the study of autism alone".

During his riveting presentation, he'll share with you:
Why 80% of autistic kids suffer a disorder related to their mitochondria -- the powerhouse of the cell...
How to make your child's gut "yoga-flexible"... The truth about colon hydrotherapy and enemas in bowel hydration and toxin removal...
How over-accumulation of free radicals can spell doom for those children with a predisposition to autism...
The role of psychosocial and emotional stress in a leaky gut and blood-brain barrier...
How to use saunas to assist in detoxification...
What you must do to create a biofilm "condo" of friendly bacteria in your childs gut...
The incredible role selenium plays as a dirt-cheap chelator to remove metal toxins like mercury...
Why such a high percentage of autistic kids have low-functioning thyroids (Even if it doesnt show up on common lab tests)...
The glutathione connection to autism and "damaged kids"
Should you let your dog lick your baby? The not-so-funny truth... The future of stem cells in treating autism and neurologic injury...
How children with autism get "measles of the gut"...
2 reasons why vaccinations are harmful for immunosupressed children (Like those with autism and other disorders)...
The little-recognized connection between ear infections and leaky gut...
Why organic food is so crucially important (Hint: 73% of newborns tested carried insecticides and toxins they got from their mothers)...
Metallothionein (MT): Defective functioning of this vital toxicity-controlling protein is a distinctive feature of autism. See how to boost levels naturally...

4 Simple Ways to Enjoy Your Potent Proteins

Your body will quickly absorb and enjoy the benefits of Potent Proteins, the first 100%fermented superfood product of its kind. Our exclusive fermentation process makes the spirulina, quinoa and other powerful ingredients more available to you. If you already like spirulina, you will love this balanced blend.

Making sure to get your dose of this amazing fermented superfood will be anything but boring. Potent Proteins ™ mixes deliciously with many different recipes from smoothies, to salad dressings and even guacamole.

Recovery Smoothie

½ cup filtered water

½ cup Cocobiotic (or your favorite Body Ecology probiotic liquid)

1 tsp. Potent Proteins™

2 scoops of Body Ecology Vitality Super Green™ powder


Blend and enjoy!


Tangy Guacamole

2 avocados

Juice of 1 lemon

1 clove of garlic

1 tsp. Potent Proteins™

1 finely diced red pepper

1 finely diced onion

Celtic Sea Salt


Chop garlic and onion. Add lemon juice and sea salt, and avocados and crush with a fork or blend in blender. Then stir in your red pepper and potent proteins, and enjoy!


Potent Protein ™ Salad Dressing

4 Tbsp of any B.E.D approved raw organic oil

1 scoop Potent Proteins ™

1 tsp of dulse flakes

1 tsp of Celtic Sea Salt

Juice of ½ lemon

A few pinches of garlic powder and cayenne


Blend all ingredients and enjoy.


Fizzy Green Drink

1 cup sparkling natural mineral water

Juice of ½ lime

Few drops of BED Stevia Liquid Concentrate

1 serving Potent Proteins

Optional add ins:
Coco Biotic, organic gluten free mint extract

Pour a glass of cold sparkling mineral water. Add lime juice, stevia and Potent Proteins. Stir and enjoy. Children often love drinking this over ice with a straw.

Adding probiotic beverages like Coco Biotic and Innergy Biotic will increase the value of the probiotics in the Potent Proteins.

Fermented Protein Supplement

I am very excited to share with you a new product Body Ecology has developed called Potent Proteins™, a fermented protein supplement—the first of its kind.

For some time I have been concerned about our country’s obsession with meat protein. As with our fixation about avoiding saturated fat, our obsession with protein-heavy diets has resulted in some serious misperceptions and health problems.

Animal protein is stressful on your liver and kidneys. As we’ve seen with popular diets like The Atkins Diet, such an over-emphasis on meat protein and avoidance of healthy fats and vegetable carbs can result in an acidic condition and a reduction in glucose. This leads to weight gain, premature aging, and a greater susceptibility to infection. As we grow older, our energy needs increase, but at the same time our capacity to digest animal protein diminishes. We need to find sources of protein that are just as effective as meat, but are also less harsh and easier to digest.

Body Ecology has always been ahead of the curve when it comes to understanding the benefits of fermentation. We wanted to see these same miraculous benefits in a protein supplement. We designed our Potent Proteins™ to be more than just a reliable source of energy—we wanted it to aid in the digestive process, to create a healing environment in the gut, and to be so gentle and cleansing that it actually supports immune function and the body’s natural detoxification processes.

Inspired by Spirulina

The first thing we did was seak sources of protein that were extremely powerful, nutrient-dense, and vegetarian. After meticulous research, we developed a combination of spirulina, quinoa, millet, biodynamic rice, soybeans, chickpeas, flax seeds, and alfalfa seeds. Some of these superfoods, like quinoa and spirulina, are the most nutritionally complete foods available, very high in amino acids, iron, and minerals. Read more about the ingredients in Potent Proteins™.

Spirulina, the primary ingredient in Potent Proteins™, will knock your socks off! It has an incredibly high protein content—60 to 65%, compared to the 16 to 17% found in wheat protein. One of the oldest foods on the planet -- even used by NASA astronauts in space -- spirulina protects cell membranes and DNA from free radical damage. Studies on animals and humans have shown that spirulina supports immune function, T-cell proliferation, and antibody production. In short, it protects you from stress and toxins and builds your immunity so that you can resist disease and fight infection. Wow!

Why Ferment?

One of the first things many people want to know about protein supplements is how many grams of protein they contain. What they don’t realize is that most of these grams are not being assimilated by the body at all. All those grams of protein are ending up as waste material because our digestive systems are simply too compromised and inefficient to utilize them. The question people should be asking is: “How much of the protein in this supplement is actually getting to my cells?”

The only way to make the nutrients and proteins in a protein supplement bioavailable is by fermentation.

All of the ingredients in Potent Proteins™ are fermented with live, naturally occurring lactobacillus bacteria. Because the nutrients in Potent Proteins™ are predigested by the lactobacillus, they are easily accessed and utilized by the body.

If you were to eat spirulina raw, you would probably experience indigestion and bloating. The strong chlorophyll and beta-carotene concentration would surface on your skin in a rather unattractive orange pallor. But when the spirulina is fermented, you suffer none of these complaints. Because it is predigested, it is very easy to assimilate and allows you to absorb nearly all of the protein that is present.

Did You Know?
Russian peasants used to ferment all their cabbage? During the winter, when they couldn’t grow and harvest, they lived on the nutrient-rich juice from the cabbage. Without fermentation, we would never have survived as a species! Refrigeration and preservatives have given us greater convenience, but not necessarily greater health. These modern “improvements” stopped us from fermenting our foods, with grave consequences.

Ok, What About Purity?

You are right to be concerned about the purity of your supplements’ ingredients and manufacturing processes. I’m thrilled that Body Ecology was able to partner with Grainfields Australia on this product, a company we have worked with in the past and trust.

All of the ingredients in Potent Proteins™ are fermented using a proprietary process called FloraFerm™. This process utilizes the natural bacteria found in the leaves and stems of plants and vegetables—nothing artificial and no extracts. In short, the bacteria are coming from the very foods we are meant to eat, in their whole form. Everything is natural. Everything is organic. The spirulina—which is an algae—is grown in a closed circuit system, meaning it is not exposed to environmental contaminants such as air pollutants. When tested, our spirulina registers far below the industry standards for lead and mercury.

This highly absorbable probiotic superfood is your best bet for reaping the amazing benefits of spirulina and our other powerful ingredients. Without the fermentation, you risk not being able to absorb these amazing foods.

Potent Proteins™ is gluten free, dairy free, and sugar free. Vegan-friendly, Potent Proteins™ is also certified organic, non-GMO, kosher, and contains no artificial colorings, flavorings or preservatives.

For Everybody

Already a bestseller on Australia’s QVC!

What we love about this product is that it reaches people from every walk of life, from athletes who are looking for a gentler yet more effective protein source to overtaxed moms and dads of children who are nutritionally deficient. Early anecdotal results on the product indicate that older people are really enjoying Potent Proteins™—it gives them a lot of energy; it’s gentle on their systems; and they’ve even seen improvements in cognitive function.

So . . . stop that meaningless protein gram counting . . . choose a supplement that gets the protein to where it is needed most.

Recommended Serving Size and Instructions
½ to 1 tsp. a day of Potent Proteins™ should be taken with warm or cold water. It can also be added to smoothies, salad dressings, and sprinkled over everything.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Food Additives - Chemical & Natural

Introduction to food intolerance

Our food has changed drastically over the last 30 years, and so have food-related problems.

Additives are now used in healthy foods such as bread, butter, yoghurt, juice or muesli bars as well as in junk food. Reactions to food additives are related to dose, so the more you eat, the more likely you are to be affected. A British survey in 2007 found that:

· most consumers underestimate how many additives they eat

· the average consumer eats 20 additives per day (19 if foods are home-cooked)

· most consumers don't know which foods contain additives.

Effects of food additives can include:

· irritability, restlessness, difficulty falling asleep

· mood swings, anxiety, depression, panic attacks

· inattention, difficulty concentrating or debilitating fatigue

· speech delay, learning difficulties

· eczema, urticaria and other itchy skin rashes; angioedema or swelling of the lips etc often associated with rashes

· reflux, colic, stomach aches, bloating, and other irritable bowel symptoms including constipation and/or diarrhoea, sneaky poos, sticky poos, bedwetting

· headaches or migraines

· frequent colds, flu, bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis; stuffy or runny nose, constant throat clearing, cough or asthma

· joint pain, arthritis, heart palpitations, racing heartbeat

Natural food chemicals

Some natural chemicals called salicylates can cause the same problems as additives if consumed in large doses or by sensitive people. For problems serious enough to see a doctor, or conditions with a diagnosis such as ADHD, eczema etc it is best to find out more about salicylates, as well as other natural food chemicals called amines and glutamates.

These natural food chemicals are increasing in our food supply, due to increased availability of out-of-season fruit and vegetables, concentrated natural chemicals in processed foods, and added flavours. Foods high in salicylates include strawberries, kiwifruit, avocadoes, sultanas and other dried fruits, citrus, pineapple, broccoli, pizza toppings, tomato sauce, olive oil and tea. Cheese and chocolate are particularly high in amines. Salicylate sensitivity can be triggered or worsened by medications such as aspirin and other NSAIDs (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Nurofen and lotions e.g. anti-arthritis, salicylate-containing teething gel.

People rarely realise that they are affected by salicylates or amines unless they eat a very large dose in a short time (e.g. salicylates at Christmas or amines at Easter) or until they reduce their intake. This is because these food chemicals are eaten so frequently that the effects fluctuate and can build up very slowly. One mother wrote:

'I cut back my five-year-old daughter's intake of fruit to about a quarter of what she normally had. Within days we saw dramatic changes. Her behaviour evened out … she was more sensible and obliging, less aggressive and defiant - and altogether much more pleasant to live with.'

Flavours and fragrances such as fruit or mint (e.g. in toothpaste) are another source of salicylates. Since the 1970s, increasingly large doses have been added to products. In the UK, recent studies of new mothers found more headaches and depression in mothers and more asthma, diarrhoea, vomiting and ear infections in babies with increasing use of air fresheners and/or aerosols.

A smaller number of people are sensitive to dairy foods and/or wheat or gluten.

Movies (Mind Programming & Foods affecting America)

There are some great Movies that are sometimes hard to get a hold of:

What the Bleep Do We Know

and part two of this movie is:

What the Bleep Do We Know Down the Rabbit Hole

I use to rent these from Blockbuster, now I don't know where to get them from other than buying on line or

These movies are all about programming and our minds! Very easy to understand, and they totally shifted my perspective and awareness. I have rented these more than once either to share with others (together), or to simply view it again to see what else I could get out of the movie, and process a little more the information being taught. I like to hear or see things that interest me more than once, it makes it easier for me to apply it to my life. After watching these movies, you will understand what I mean :0)

Another one is called: Food Matters I bought mine from Mia Magistro at Whole Body Cleansing You can google it online, or go to to buy a copy. love this website, lots of easy to understand articles, video clips, etc. that will be listed on my blog soon.

Healthy Rice Crispy Treats (Good for your Brain)

At your local health food store and in some organic sections in SOME regular grocery stores, you will find alternatives to all your favorite cereals, marshmallows and more.
Even Kellogg's Rice Crispies has High Fructose Corn Syrup amongst other things that are bad for the brain. So I buy a few different brands of Crispy Brown rice, regular and chocolate flavored, and we make the yummiest Rice Crispy Treats!

One box Crispy Rice cereal(about 10 oz.), Chocolate, regular, or both!
5 TBS Butter (or get crazy & do half butter/half coconut oil)
1 Package (10 oz.) Marshmallows (40 count) or 4 cups mini marshmallows.
5 TBS ground flax seed (digests better if ground).

In a large pot, melt butter, and stir frequently. Add Marshmallows (stir until melted). Remove from burner (turn off heat). Add half the box of crispy rice, add the flax, add the rest of the crispy rice. Stir until all mixed together. pour/scrape into a 9x13 pan (butter the pan "optional" to keep them from sticking).

The Gingras Family always makes 2 batches, because the first batch just goes too quickly. We LOVE these yummy treats. Even my 11 year old makes them by herself, because it is so easy.

Preservatives (Wikipedia definition)

Preservatives in foods
Preservative food additives can be used alone or in conjunction with other methods of food preservation. Preservatives may be antimicrobial preservatives, which inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi and mold growth, or antioxidants such as oxygen absorbers, which inhibit the oxidation of food constituents. Common antimicrobial preservatives include calcium propionate, sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite, sulfites (sulfur dioxide, sodium bisulfite, potassium hydrogen sulfite, etc.) and disodium EDTA. Antioxidants include BHA and BHT. Other preservatives include formaldehyde (usually in solution), glutaraldehyde (kills insects), ethanol and methylchloroisothiazolinone. FDA standards do not currently require fruit and vegetable product labels to reflect the type of chemical preservative(s) used on the produce. The benefits and safety of many artificial food additives (including preservatives) are the subject of debate among academics and regulators specializing in food science and toxicology, and of course biology.

Natural food preservation
Natural substances such as salt, sugar, vinegar, alcohol, and diatomaceous earth are also used as traditional preservatives. Certain processes such as freezing, pickling, smoking and salting can also be used to preserve food. Another group of preservatives targets enzymes in fruits and vegetables that continue to metabolize after they are cut. For instance, citric and ascorbic acids from lemon or other citrus juice can inhibit the action of the enzyme phenolase which turns surfaces of cut apples and potatoes brown.

Health concerns
Some modern synthetic preservatives have become controversial because they have been shown to cause respiratory or other health problems. Some studies point to synthetic preservatives and artificial coloring agents aggravating ADD & ADHD symptoms in those affected. Older studies were inconclusive, quite possibly due to inadequate clinical methods of measuring offending behavior. Parental reports were more accurate indicators of the presence of additives than clinical tests. [3] Several major studies show academic performance increased and disciplinary problems decreased in large non-ADD student populations when artificial ingredients, including preservatives were eliminated from school food programs. [4][5] Allergenic preservatives in food or medicine can cause anaphylactic shock in susceptible individuals, a condition which is often fatal within minutes without emergency treatment.

See Also:
References 1.“Food additives and hyperactive behaviour in 3-year-old and 8-to-9-year-old children in the community: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial”, The Lancet, Sept 2007
2.1997 Graduate Student Research Project conducted at the University of South Florida. Richard W. Pressinger M.Ed.
3."Food Additives May Affect Kids' Hyperactivity", WebMD Medical News, May 24, 2004
4."A different kind of school lunch", PURE FACTS, October 2002
5.The impact of a low food additive and sucrose diet on academic performance in 803 New York City public schools, Schoenthaler SJ, Doraz WE, Wakefield JA, Int J Biosocial Res., 1986, 8(2); 185-195

ADHD NewsTip 8: Garbanzo Beans Tasty Treat? Yummy Chocolate Cake!

How about a sugar-chocolate snack that's loaded with protein? A
sweet treat that doesn't increase hyperactive behavior? Yup, it's
actually, as chocolate cake goes, pretty good for you. And it
satisfies my personal kitchen priorities: Easy and yummy.

So here's a recipe for chocolate cake using garbanzo beans instead
of flour. *For Dylan, Kimberly uses Agave, Xylitol, or Stevia as a substitute for Sugar. We melt butter over the top instead of powdered sugar (brings out the rich chocolate flavor), and sometimes we add a little coconut oil to give it more moisture and flavor..good healthy fats to feed the brain!
2 cups (that's a 19 oz can) of cooked garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
drained and rinsed
1 ½ cups semisweet dark chocolate chips
4 eggs or 1 cup egg substitute
½ cup sugar (Most chocolate cakes take WAY more sugar. My favorite--
oh, brings tears of joy to my eyes just thinking about it--takes a
whopping 3 cups of sugar and that doesn't include the icing!)
½ teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon powdered sugar (optional)

Preheat oven to 350. Melt chocolate chips in the microwave for two
minutes. Put all ingredients in a food processor or blender and
process till smooth. Pour batter into a nonstick 9" cake pan. Bake
45 minutes. After the cake cools, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Or
don't sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Note: If you've got finicky eaters, don't tell them about the
garbanzo beans. They'll never know the difference.

Next: Hook-ups: It's Not What You Think


P.S. Rumor has it, that you can make a delicious protein-packed
chocolate cake with black beans too. If you've got the recipe, send
it along and I'll post it.

Dr. MaryJo Wagner
Helping smart parents raise smart kids. Sign up today for 'Smart Kids Strategies'

105 S. Irving St.
Denver, CO 80219

30 "Sugar words" on Labels

Brown-rice syrup
Corn sweetener
Corn syrup, or corn syrup solids
Cane Juice
Dehydrated cane juice
Fruit juice concentrate
High-fructose corn syrup
Invert sugar
Malt syrup
Maple syrup
Raw sugar
Rice Syrup
Sorghum or sorghum syrup
Turbinado Sugar

Things ending in "ose" or "ol" are probably sugars.

Not all sugars are created equal, some of these are sugar alcohols which are not absorbed as fully by the body as regular sugar. It all depends on how an item falls on the glycemic index.

Sugar's Many Disguises []
RELATED: The Earlier Ingredients Are On A Label, The More There Is Inside!

ADHD NewsTips # 7. Enjoy.

ADHD NewsTips # 7. Enjoy.

It's all in the Label

We all know that most kids eat too much sugar. (So does the author
of these ADHD NewsTips but then nobody's perfect!) We know--even if
scientists still aren't sure--that too much sugar often causes
hyperactivity and insomnia. A child can end up with the ADHD label
simply from eating too much sugar every single day.

It's candy bars, soft drinks, cake, cookies, etc. Right? Well, yes
but it's also in most cereal, several brands of yogurt, some bread,
muffins--just about everything that comes in a box or a carton.

So what's a parent to do? What's a teacher to plan for party or snack

Read the label! Teach kids how to read the label. Make a label-
reading game. If sugar is first or second in the list of
ingredients, it's too much sugar. And teach them all those sneaky
sugar words like glucose and sucrose. (If it ends in "os" or "ol,"
it's probably sugar.

Caution: Just because it's in the health-food section at the grocery
store, doesn't mean "low sugar." And low-fat almost always means
more sugar.

Next: Garbanzo Beans as a taste treat? Surely, you're kidding!

P.S. Remember to check out what's new at

Dr. MaryJo Wagner
Helping smart parents raise smart kids. Sign up today for 'Smart Kids Strategies'

105 S. Irving St.
Denver, CO 80219

Are you Hypnotised (Reprogramming)

Taken from Eldon Taylor's blog:

Speaking of hypnosis, and now the segue, this past week I gave a lot of thought to an idea suggested by Richard Bach in his book, "Hypnotizing Maria." Imagine that a stage hypnotist has hypnotized you. The experience will seem quite real even if it is a pure hallucination, negative or positive in nature. (A negative hallucination occurs when you fail to see what is there and a positive when you see what is not there). So imagine that you have been imprisoned in a room without doors. Further, imagine that the room is made of solid concrete like a bomb shelter or bunker and that the walls, floor and ceiling are several feet thick. You're trapped inside this room without exits.

Okay--think about this for a moment. Perhaps you circle on the stage floor walking around the room that only you can see. The audience has been told that you believe that you are trapped in a solid concrete room. You touch the cold walls when the hypnotist suggests that you try to find a way out. They are hard. You push on them and find that they are not just cold and hard, but the surface is rough like a sidewalk. You kick the wall and hurt your foot. When prompted to by the hypnotist, you search for seams and find none. You begin to worry--how will you get out? What if the light disappears? Where is the light coming from? Fear begins to crawl over you.

Okay--now imagine that you are in the audience. You are witnessing a hypnotized individual trapped in an imaginary room. That is, the barrier perceived as a concrete wall does not actually exist. The walled in subject is trapped only by their beliefs. From your perspective in the audience, it seems almost ridiculous that this self imposed belief, this hallucination, this state of mind in hypnosis, could possibly be real. You laugh at the antics of the hypnotized as they become frantic to escape. Their antics grow ever more panicked. You laugh louder and harder.

Okay--now imagine that you are living in a world full of your own self imposed limitations and you're doing so right now--right this very minute as you read this article. How many of these self-imposed walls have you been hypnotized to believe are real? Isn't that what accepting a suggestion is--a state of hypnosis? How many suggestions have you accepted by the world around you, your peers, the media, etc. that have become your walls, your barriers?

We live in a world where it seems that most seek to entrap us in this or that argument, as though they are our only choices. They are not! Perhaps we need to dehypnotize ourselves. Questioning everything we believe is one way to begin. I wrote both Choices and Illusions and Mind Programming to expose the extent of this programming and our true choices. I hope you will seek to separate the suggestion from the sincere.

Thanks for the read,

Kimberly's Suggested Reading: Mind Programming

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Welcome to ADHD NewsTips 6

Fingertips Three and Four

3. In Brain Gym® we call them "Positive Points. Other modalities
have different names for these acupressure points. Whatever you call
them, they're amazingly effective. Gently put your fingertips on
your forehead just above your eyebrows and below the hairline.
You're at that point in the middle of your eyebrows. Close your
eyes. Breathe deeply. And relax. (I've had folks in classes tell me
they nearly went to sleep holding their Postitive Points!) It's not
only relaxing but helps negative thoughts fade away.

4. Hold somebody else's Positive Points. Just stand behind them and
reach in front to place your fingertips on their forehead. Both of
you are breathing deeply. And you can both close your eyes.

Caution: Never make a child close their eyes. Sometimes that's
really scary. You don't get to decide what is and what isn't scary
for a child. They get to decide. When they're ready to close their
eyes, they'll do it.

Next: It's all in the Label


P.S. There's always lots more about ADHD at

Dr. MaryJo Wagner
Helping smart parents raise smart kids. Sign up today for 'Smart Kids Strategies'

105 S. Irving St.
Denver, CO 80219

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Four Part Mood-Type Quiz

Make a Check mark next to each symptom that you identify with. Compare it to the cut-off score. If your score is over the cut-off, or if you have only a few of the symptoms described in a section, but they bother you (or those close to you) on a regular basis, turn to the chapter indicated in The Mood Cure By: Julia Ross (also author of The Diet Cure)
Type 1. Under a Dark Cloud: Low in SEROTONIN

Do you have a tendency to be negative, to see the glass as half-empty rather than half-full? Do you have dark, pessimistic thoughts?
Do you really dislike the dark weather or have a clear-cut fall/winter depression (SAD)?
Are you often worried and anxious?
Do you have feelings of low self-esteem and lack confidence? Do you easily get to feeling self-critical and guilty?
Does your behavior often get a bit, or a lot, obsessive? Is it hard for you to make transitions, to be flexible? Are you a perfectionist, a neatnik, or a control freak? A computer, TV, or work addict?
Are you apt to be irritable, impatient, edgy, or angry?
Do you tend to be shy or fearful? Do you get nervous or panicky about heights, flying, enclosed spaces, public performance, spiders, snakes, bridges, crowds, leaving the house, or anything else?
Are you hyperactive, restless, can’t slow down or turn your brain off?
Have you had anxiety attacks or panic attacks (your heart races, it's hard to breathe)?
Do you have facial or body tics, or Tourette’s?
Do you get PMS or menopausal moodiness (tears, anger, depression)?
Do you hate hot weather?
Are you a night owl, or do you often find it hard to get to sleep, even though you want to?
Do you wake up in the night, have restless or light sleep, or wake up too early in the morning?
Do you routinely like to have sweet or starchy snacks, wine, or marijuana in the afternoons, evenings, or in the middle of the night (but not earlier in the day)?
Do you find relief from any of the above symptoms through exercise?
Have you had fibromyalgia (unexplained muscle pain) or TMJ (pain, tension, and grinding associated with your jaw)?
Have you had suicidal thoughts or plans?

Total Score:

If your score is more than 12 in Part 1, turn to Chapter 3, page 25


Type 2. Feeling the Blahs: Low in NOREPINEPHRIN or Thyroid

Do you often feel depressed - the flat, bored, apathetic kind?
Are you low on physical or mental energy? Do you feel tired a lot, have to push yourself to exercise?
Is your drive, enthusiasm, and motivation quota on the low side?
Do you have difficulty focusing or concentrating?
Are you easily chilled? Do you have cold hands or feet?
Do you tend to put on weight too easily?
Do you feel the need to get more alert and motivated by consuming a lot of coffee or other "uppers" like sugar, diet soda, ephedra, or cocaine?

Total Score:

If your score is more than 6 in Part 2, turn to Chapter 4, page 53.


Type 3. Over Stressed: Low in GABA or Cortisol

Do you often feel overworked, pressured, or deadlined?
Do you have trouble relaxing or loosening up?
Does your body tend to be stiff, uptight, tense?
Are you easily upset, frustrated, or snappy under stress?
Do you often feel overwhelmed or as though you just can't get it all done?
Do you feel weak or shaky at times?
Are you sensitive to bright light, noise, or chemical fumes? Do you need to wear dark glasses a lot?
Do you feel significantly worse if you skip meals or go too long without eating?
Do you use tobacco, alcohol, food, or drugs to relax and calm down?

Total Score:

If your score is more than 8 in Part 3, turn to Chapter 5, page 77.


Type 4. Too Sensitive for Life’s Pain: Low in ENDORPHIN

Do you consider yourself or do others consider you to be very sensitive? Does emotional pain, or perhaps physical pain, really get to you?
Do you tear up or cry easily - for instance, even during TV commercials?
Do you tend to avoid dealing with painful issues?
Do you find it hard to get over losses or get through grieving?
Have you been through a great deal of physical or emotional pain?
Do you crave pleasure, comfort, reward, enjoyment, or numbing from treats like chocolate, bread, wine, romance novels, marijuana, tobacco, or lattes?

Total Score:

If your score is more than 6 in Part 4, turn to Chapter 6, page 100.


Type 5. Mood Swinger: Unstable BLOOD SUGAR

Do you crave a lift from sweets or alcohol, but later experience a drop in mood and energy after ingesting them?
Do you get dizzy, weak, or headachy if meals are delayed?
Do you have a family history of hypoglycemia, diabetes, or alcoholism?
Are you nervous, jittery, irritable, inattentive on and off throughout the day; but calmer after meals?
Do you have crying spells?
Do you have intermittent mental confusion, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating?
Do you have heart palpitations, rapid pulse?
Do you have frequent thirst?
Do you get night sweats (not menopausal)?
Do you get sores on legs that take a long time to heal?

Total Score:

If your score is more than 12 in TYPE 5, turn to Chapters 7-9 of The Mood Cure

The Four False Mood Types

Each of the four mood engines in your brain, as represented above, needs a different amino acid fuel. The lower your access to amino fuel, the more False Mood symptoms you develop. The four emotion-generators in your brain are actually called neurotransmitters. Each one powers a different emotional zone in your brain and each has a distinctly different effect on your mood:
The Dark Cloud of Depression
If you’re high in serotonin – you’re positive, confident, flexible, and easy-going.
If you’re sinking in serotonin – you’ll tend to become negative, obsessive, worried, irritable, and sleepless.

The Blahs
If you’re high in catecholamines – you’re energized, upbeat, and alert.
If your catecholamines have crashed – you’ll sink into a flat apathetic funk.

Anxiety and Stress
If you’re high in GABA – you’re relaxed and stress-free.
If there’s a gap in your GABA – you’ll be wired, stressed, and overwhelmed.

Oversensitive Feelings
If you’re high in endorphins – you’re full of cozy feelings of comfort, pleasure, and euphoria.
If you’re near the end of your endorphins – you’ll be crying during commercials and overly sensitive to hurt.

You can replenish any deficiency in your own neurotransmitters using the amino acids as described in The Mood Cure.

Good Mood Foods

Here's a mood's-eye view on fats.

Think of the positive words associated with fat: rich, soft, shining, good-natured. In ancient times fat was associated with joy and the sacred. We need good-mood fats! One of the most spectacular is omega-3 and its first home is your brain. By far the best sources are wild salmon, sardines, herring, anchovies, and mackerel. They have about three times more omega-3 than other fish and five times more than flax seed oil. To get enough of the vital omega-3 fats, you'll need to eat fish more often. The Japanese still eat two and a half pounds of fish weekly, and their depression rates have been nil (as have their heart disease rates).
Another extraordinary good-mood fat is the creamy saturated fat we've been avoiding all these years. I call them SATs for "satisfied." SATs, like butter and coconut oil, actually protect the omega-3s in our brain. Eating more fish oil and SATs replaces the bad mood fats like the rancid vegetable oils (e.g., corn, soy, canola) so overloaded with troublesome omega-6 fat.

Explore the Mood Cure for more surprises on fat. Find out when and why whole wheat and soy products can be serious threats to your mood (and health). And more...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

ADHD Brain Tips # 5: Sitting on Balls

Physio-balls are great too. Kids (and adults) love to sit on them.
Love to bounce on them. Love to roll away on them. They're nice for
a change in the classroom from the squishy cushions. And they really help with ADHD.

Since rolling away on balls can be disruptive, you can get rings to
put the balls on so they stay put, but now we're talking a bunch of
money. You can even get stands for the balls so they morph into desk
chairs. Even more money. And the balls take up a lot of room.

However, they're so great for kids (and adults too) and so much fun
that I suggest at least 2-3 in your classroom just for special
times. And certainly at least one at home!

Caution: Don't buy the cheap balls. If they pop, they'll collapse
immediately and you or your kid will crash to floor. It hurts!
Watch for a label on the box that says "deflates gradually" or
something like that.

Your next tip's a twofer: "Fingertips Three and Four"


P.S. Remember to check out the Brain Boosters Blog at for tips, news,
opinion, and some great pictures.

Dr. MaryJo Wagner
Helping smart parents raise smart kids. Sign up today for 'Smart Kids Strategies'

105 S. Irving St.
Denver, CO 80219

Friday, May 14, 2010

Why are we so excited to do Brain Highways' Program with Dylan?


Results reported from Brain Highways:
Our participants experience changes across the board—in ways that both professionals and parents themselves often did not think was possible.

Our main goal is for participants to freely use their newly acquired brain functions in their daily lives. For example, a child who used to engage in violent meltdowns may now be dropped off at a friend’s birthday party. Or, a child who previously had no language may now regularly express creative ideas and initiate conversation at the dinner table.

Academically, we set a higher bar than most. For example, we don’t just want kids to know how to read and write. Rather, we also want kids to enjoy such skills. That way, they’ll seek books on their own and eagerly write down ideas that pop into their head. If it were up to us, state standards would include criteria that ensured kids not only performed academic tasks with proficiency, but that they also demonstrated joy when doing so.

Both are possible with a well-organized brain.

“Neuroplasticity and reorganization is where neuroscience is headed today. The Brain Highways program is ahead of its time since it provides an innovative curriculum that gives parents a mechanism to actually change how their child’s brain functions.”
Mary ET Boyle, Ph.D. Neuroscientist
University of California, San Diego

ADHD Brain Tips # 4: Getting em' to Sit!

Here's ADHD Tip # 4: Sitting

Bet you're thinking today's tip is a joke. Since when do hyperactive
kids like to sit? Well, most don't but sadly sometimes they just
have too.

So try having them sit on one of those squishy, inflatable rubber
seat cushions. And yes, you can roll around on the cushion to your
heart's content. Even wiggle around on your hips in a figure 8
pattern. (That's Lazy 8s in Brain Gym.)

I know teachers who have seat cushions for every kid in the class. I
use one all the time while I'm sitting at my computer and even when
I'm teaching classes and need to sit down.

BTW, if you'd like to read a bit of my own struggle with ADHD
complete with picture of my ADHD desk, just go to my April 7 blog
post at

And watch for your next tip: "Oops, They're Rolling Away"


P.S. Here's where to find the inflatable cushions.

Scroll down this page for what they call "cushion discs. The
price is right.

Chair disc at
has a nice description of why you'd use one and it's benefts.

You can get them in different sizes and a variety of shapes at

•What is Neurofeedback used for?

Neurofeedback addresses problems of brain disregulation. These happen to be numerous. They include the anxiety-depression spectrum, attention deficits, behavior disorders, various sleep disorders, headaches and migraines, PMS and emotional disturbances. It is also useful for organic brain conditions such as seizures, the autism spectrum, and cerebral palsy.

To watch a video clip on EEG (Neurofeedback) click here:

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is direct training of brain function, by which the brain learns to function more efficiently. We observe the brain in action from moment to moment. We show that information back to the person. And we reward the brain for changing its own activity to more appropriate patterns. This is a gradual learning process. It applies to any aspect of brain function that we can measure. Neurofeedback is also called EEG Biofeedback, because it is based on electrical brain activity, the electroencephalogram, or EEG. Neurofeedback is training in self-regulation. It is simply biofeedback applied to the brain directly. Self-regulation is a necessary part of good brain function. Self-regulation training allows the system (the central nervous system) to function better.

P.S. As you can see below there is nothing listed for UT. My goal is to bring these and other Brain services to more individuals in the Western United States starting with Utah.

David Nilsson, Ph.D.
Boise, ID 83702 USA
Click for details

Michael and Leslie Newman
Las Vegas, NV 89120 USA
Click for details

Michael Newman
Devner, CO 80222 USA
Click for details

Thursday, May 13, 2010

ADHD NewTips # 3: Fingertips Two

Fingertips Two

Maybe you've never heard of the Triple Warmer meridian. And this
isn't the place to go into it. Just take my word for it that it gets
us all revved up. So calm it down by tapping with your fingers tips,
starting at the temples and all around your ears to the bottom of
the ears and on both sides at the same time. Do it several times a
day. Just takes a minute or too. Quick, easy, and very quiet.

Next: Getting 'em to sit (not necessarily sit still)

P.S. You can still sign up for the TeleChat: "They're Driving Me
Crazy: How to Manage ADHD in the Classroom and at Home." Even if
you miss sessions, you can always listen to the audio recording on
the web.

Dr. MaryJo Wagner
Helping smart parents raise smart kids. Sign up today for 'Smart Kids Strategies'

105 S. Irving St.
Denver, CO 80219

Brain Highways here we come!

We are so excited to be moving to San Diego for 2 months to do The Brain Highways Program in Encinitas. This big move happens next week for our whole family. Dylan (my son) will be enrolled into this program, and I will be hands on assisting him every step of the way. Dylan has already been evaluated for this program last November 2009. On a scale from 1-10 his brain was functioning at a 3. My daughter was also evaluated in this program, and her brain was functioning at a 5. They told me that they have never seen anyone come through their program who was functioning any higher than a 5. I haven't personally been evaluated, but I plan on finding out while we are living down there exactly what measurement my brain is functioning at.

We want our Pilots, and Surgeons functioning at a 10! However, can you imagine how society would be if everyone was functioning at a 10? There would be less crime, no child really left behind in school, diagnosis for different disorders would drop off the charts, people would be happy, not depressed. A more calm and collected society getting their needs met in a healthy manner. We would exist in a state of harmony and peace. I hope to educate others to help them realize that there are answers, there is a better way to get every need met and seek their own personal authentic wholeness.
Visit to read up on their different programs, and to watch entertaining video clips that act out what a child or person would look like, or things they would do if a certain part of their brain was under-developed. You may notice traits that remind you of a friend or loved one, or even yourself. I Love how this website explains deep scientific terms on an elementary level so that even Dylan can understand it.

Time to clean the house, and pack once again for another long term trip from home. Dylan will be doing the Ponds program, and hopefully graduate to the Mid-Brain Program before the 2 months is up. He starts next week.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

ADHD Newstips #2: FingerTips One

Fingertips One

Bunch of things you and your kids can do with just fingertips.
Today, we're just going to look at one of them--and lots of kids
do this.

How about that seemingly constant tapping some kids already do with
their fingertips. Sure it drives you crazy if it's on their desk or
on something that makes noise. And it drives the kids around them
crazy too.

But who cares if it's on their leg and no noise? Right now, it's
helping them focus. Eventually they'll learn other tools and they
won't have to tap. But for now, leave 'em alone and stop worrying
about it.

Next: Fingertips Two

P.S. You can still sign up for the TeleChat: "They're Driving Me
Crazy: How to Manage ADHD in the Classroom and at Home." Even if
you miss sessions, you can always listen to the audio recording on
the web.

Dr. MaryJo Wagner
Helping smart parents raise smart kids. Sign up today for 'Smart Kids Strategies'

105 S. Irving St.
Denver, CO 80219

Bad Food - Ingredient Elimination

Ingredient Why it is Used Why it is Bad:

Artificial Colors
•Chemical compounds made from coal-tar derivatives to enhance color.
•Linked to allergic reactions, fatigue, asthma, skin rashes, hyperactivity and headaches.

Artificial Flavorings
•Cheap chemical mixtures that mimic natural flavors.
•Linked to allergic reactions, dermatitis, eczema, hyperactivity and asthma
•Can affect enzymes, RNA and thyroid.

Artificial Sweeteners
(Acesulfame-K, Aspartame, Equal®, NutraSweet®, Saccharin, Sweet’n Low®, Sucralose, Splenda® & Sorbitol) •Highly-processed, chemically-derived, zero-calorie sweeteners found in diet foods and diet products to reduce calories per serving.
•Can negatively impact metabolism
•Some have been linked to cancer, dizziness hallucinations and headaches.

Benzoate Preservatives
•Compounds that preserve fats and prevent them from becoming rancid.
•May result in hyperactivity, angiodema, asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis, tumors and urticaria
•Can affect estrogen balance and levels.

Brominated Vegetable Oil
•Chemical that boosts flavor in many citric-based fruit and soft drinks.
•Increases triglycerides and cholesterol
•Can damage liver, testicles, thyroid, heart and kidneys.

High Fructose Corn Syrup
•Cheap alternative to cane and beet sugar
•Sustains freshness in baked goods
•Blends easily in beverages to maintain sweetness.
•May predispose the body to turn fructose into fat
•Increases risk for Type-2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and cancer
•Isn’t easily metabolized by the liver.

(Monosodium Glutamate)
•Flavor enhancer in restaurant food, salad dressing, chips, frozen entrees, soups and other foods.
•May stimulate appetite and cause headaches, nausea, weakness, wheezing, edema, change in heart rate, burning sensations and difficulty in breathing.

•An indigestible fat substitute used primarily in foods that are fried and baked.
•Inhibits absorption of some nutrients
•Linked to gastrointestinal disease, diarrhea, gas, cramps, bleeding and incontinence.

Shortening, Hydrogenated and Partially Hydrogenated Oils
(Palm, Soybean and others) •Industrially created fats used in more than 40,000 food products in the U.S.
•Cheaper than most other oils.
•Contain high levels of trans fats, which raise bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol, contributing to risk of heart disease.

Have you checked your ingredient lists recently? Do they contain any of the above? Have you tried cutting some of these ingredients out?

Excerpted from "GET REAL" and STOP Dieting! Copyright 2009 - Brett Blumenthal

Sunday, May 9, 2010

ADHD Children Today News Tip # 1

"Dedicated to helping ADHD kids and all kids."

Breakfast rules for ADHD kids, their friends, their parents, and
their teachers:

1. Never skip breakfast
2. Breakfast must include protein

White-bread toast and jelly for breakfast? Or last night's left-over
casserole for breakfast? Hope you chose last night's tuna and hard-
boiled egg casserole. Hey, some kids like it so much they'll eat it
cold! It's got protein for energy and staying calm.

Too much sugar--yes, white bread has sugar in it--increases
hyperactive behavior!

Just for kids: Make a list of everything you could eat for breakfast
that has protein in it. Can you think of something really crazy?

Here are a couple things to get you started: How about a peanut
butter sandwich or some tuna salad?

Next time: Magical Fingertips


P.S. End the confusion about ADHD. Learn what it is. What it isn't. What to do about it. Why drugs aren't the answer. Sign up for the "Managing ADHD: Success Strategies for School" TeleChat at www.ADHDChildrenToday/com/registerTeleChat. Or listen to a mini-class at

Dr. MaryJo Wagner
Helping smart parents raise smart kids. Sign up today for 'Smart Kids Strategies'

105 S. Irving St.
Denver, CO 80219

Kimberly's Biography

My Family: Cody (husband), Samantha (11), Dylan (8), & Tio (puppy)

Titles, Projects and Accomplishments:
Mrs. Montana International 2011 Title Holder; Kinesiologist HHC (certified), with an emphasis on Brain integration and development as a provider of the TLP therapy through Advanced Brain Technologies. Neuro-Nutrient Therapist and Natural Health Practitioner (whose most visited “client” is my son, accomplishing his healing using Mood Cure Therapies & diet change); Home School Instructor and Leadership Education Mentor; Essential Oil Expert as an Elite IPC in do-Terra; Winner of The Life Style and Fitness Award, as well as the Interview Award in the Mrs. Utah United States Pageant 2010; Excelled in Sales in the jewelry industry, receiving fifth in the nation for sales, and third in the nation for recruiting (as well as 14 other awards) in 2005. Inspired “The Psychology Means Success Scholarship” in 2004 which still exists today at Palomar College in San Marcos, CA (I was also awarded this scholarship); Turning Point Personal Development Training Completion at Utah Valley University.

Some interesting facts about me:
I had a near death experience when I was 5 years old. I am a descendant of Robert E. Lee. I played field hockey, ran track, and was on the wrestling team in my teen years. I was what you would call a “Tom-Boy” I use to model as a child, but was stopped just short of my teen years, literally. I rescued my sister-in-law from abuse and neglect, then raised her during her teen years. I was able to break my own cycle of abuse, through acquiring courage and strength in divorce, later marrying the man of my dreams. I love to roller skate, and Latin Dance. I had my first child all natural, and hold an invisible award for it!

Platform Title:
“Boosting B.R.A.I.N. Activity”
Building. Reprogramming. Auditory Development. Integration. Neuro-pathway Organization.

Why I Chose This Platform:
In facilitating healing through my Kinesiology practice, I found that the majority of my clients were in desperate need of Brain Integration. My son Dylan just happened to be a more severe case than anyone I had previously helped. I was able to be an instrument of healing for him, through the use of alternative therapies and many painstaking hours of research and networking in the field of Brain Integration. Our doctor and team of professionals re-diagnosed him from Autistic to ADHD in 1 ½ years’ time through these efforts. By seeking out the missing link in my son’s development, and trying to get him help and answers, I realized that he was just a poster child for all of us. We all desire to feel wholeness. We are all on a quest to getting our needs met. Having such wonderful success with Dylan’s progress has inspired me to help many more improve their level of mental processing and programming.

What I want to be remembered for:
A woman of truth who radiated light through out her life. A facilitator for healing, and an Agent for change. A mother who was referred to as blessed because of the principles of love and forgiveness that she taught her posterity. A wife whose fairytale only happens in movies, yet existed as a True Love Story in that she was passionately in love with her Prince Charming.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Letter to UT County Domestic Violence Coalition

A little over 5 years ago I was in hiding for 3 months with my 2 children after leaving my x-husband. We left with only 1 weeks worth of clothes, leaving all other belongings behind. He was abusive to me and to my daughter. I left for her, and through much therapy, and taking The Personal Development Course from Turning Point at UVU, I realized that I should have left for myself a long time ago. I had tried to leave on 3 seperate occassions over 7 years of being married to him. Everytime I returned the abuse only got worse. My daughter saved my life (my therapist told me), because I didn't love myself enough to leave, but I loved her enough to have the required courage to follow through, and seek refuge.

Today I am certified in Kinesiology, and following a program for my son (using tools and modalities learned from Kinesiology and other programs) over one and a half years time I was able to get my son re-diagnosed from Autistic to ADHD. I follow this same program in seeking wholeness for myself, and was able to heal, and battle depression. My 2 children and I were diagnosed with P.T.S.D.(Post Tramatic Stress Disorder) during that time of living in hiding.

I am re-married to the man of my dreams (Cody Gingras), and I'm experiencing peace like nothing I have ever felt before in my entire life. Despite trials I still experiece, overall Life is good, and I am currently a contestant in the Mrs. Utah America Pageant. My title right now is Mrs. Utah County. I will be competeing at the end of June for the title of Mrs Utah representing the entire State. Upon winning I will go on to compete in the nationally televised Mrs. America Pageant.

I want to reach out and share this program or formula with others (along with my story), and my focus is on those individuals who can learn from my life's experiences. I feel I have a lot of insight, and awareness to share in helping others along in their healing process.

I would like to assist your Coalition by making appearances, and speaking. I want others to see that you have Mrs. Utah's support, and that I have been there, I can relate to these victim's stories (and so can my children). It is so important for people to realize that they can take what's happened to them in their lives and see the good that came of it by allowing their trials to make them stronger! Taking the high road to make a difference in one person's life will ultimatly strengthen you to grow and become a person of empowerment!

UT County Domestic Violence Coalition Victim's Fund

There is a fundraising event coming up on June 5, 2010 11 am - 2 pm

Dancing - Refreshments - Door Prizes!

1300 E. Center St. in Provo

All proceeds go to U.C.D.V.C. Victim's Fund!

Please read the letter I sent to them that is also posted on my blog (I will be attending this event).